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Leadership Inherent in Customer Service

By Craig Harrison


Some employees see customer service as a form of servitude. They see customer service as a passive endeavor.

I see service as leadership.


Service isn't just sitting around waiting for someone to complain and then correcting their problem.


Service is in finding better ways to do things.


Service is in avoiding problems in the first place with proactive decision-making and strategies.


Service is using problems that arise to innovatively improve the way you do business.


Service isn't just the reaction, it's an action designed by a pro-active mindset to pre-empt problems.


Stand Tall

Don't see yourself as the back office or the repair shop.

There's nobility in your role!

Your position is vital to the next iteration of the product, as well as to the modification of existing services to best meet the changing needs of customers.


You are the true market research department for your organization.


You are the leaders in determining the next generation of products and services because you're on the front line. You listen to customers on a daily basis and know what works and what doesn't. Are you collecting and sharing the vital insights you're privy to?


Spread the Word Internally

Let others know of your insights.

Let other departments see the groundbreaking discoveries your department or group uncovers. Help others in your organization recognize the leadership that emanates from you. Stereotypes may be slow to change but you can be the initiator of their change in perception about the leadership you provide through customer service.


Be the leader your customers need you to be. Step into your leadership by making a difference for customers, co-workers and your company at large. It's within you. Show it!


Click here for information on Craig's fun, interactive Orchestrating Your Leadership presentation.


Purchase Craig's pocketbook on leadership: Cutlivating The Leader in You!


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or by phone: (510) 547-0664.

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